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Because your voice matters.

2017 Was Great – Thanks to You!

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2017 is coming to a close and we can hardly believe that the year went by so fast! As the holidays approach, it’s time to reflect on our evolution over the year, and all the impactful engagements in which our patient and health care partners were involved.

We couldn’t be happier to see the meaningful role everyone in our community had in improving health care in BC!

This year, we:

  • grew from 500 to 805 patient partners,
  • who supported or participated in 300 engagement opportunities with
  • over 65 health care partners across the province.

It was amazing to see so many people of different backgrounds sharing their experiences and working together to create a better health care system for everyone.

Over the last 12 months, we invested in growing and diversifying our membership, and creating new opportunities for PVN members to collaborate. These were some of the goals listed in our 2016 Annual Report and 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. We were happy to achieve an increase in the number of male patient partners, PVN members under 40 years old, and populations of varying social and cultural backgrounds. We’ll tell you more in our 2017/2018 annual report, to be released in mid-2018!

In 2017 we also focused on developing educational resources and offering meaningful learning opportunities to our partners. From hosting informal networking coffees and learning events to sponsoring patient partners to attend Quality Forum 2017 and several workshops (like this one about co-design in health care and another about how to become an effective change agent), we were excited to see how interested everyone was in acquiring new skills to make their engagements even more impactful.

You followed all these updates and opportunities through our weekly Engagement Opportunities newsletter and bi-weekly Patient Voice Mail, as well as on our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profiles. And we loved hearing from you and getting your feedback, either on social media or via email!

Some of our patient partners reunited at Quality Forum 2017

Now it’s time to take a short break to enjoy the holiday season and re-energize for even more fruitful activities in 2018. We want to thank you for your continued commitment and passion, and to wish happy holidays and a marvelous new year to you and your loved ones!

See you in 2018!

From Our Community

Derek Koch

Spiritual Health Practitioner and Patient- and Family-Centred Care Lead — Kelowna General Hospital

Derek Koch

The bottom line is because we’re caring for patients. People who know best are those who are receiving the care so it makes logical sense that we would consult with them about their experiences. By connecting with PVN we have been able to educate our teams about the value of patient partners and how important their perspective is in our services.