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A Workshop on Co-Designing Health Care: Amazing New Learning Opportunity for 20 Patient Partners

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Categories: News & Events

The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council just launched an awesome new workshop – an opportunity to learn about co-design methods from international health care leader Lynne Maher, Director of Innovation at Ko Awatea in NewZealand – and we’re excited to announce that we’ll be sponsoring 20 patient partners to attend. Read on to learn more about the Co-Designing Health Care Workshop and how to participate!

The workshop, called Understanding Experience & Co-Designing Solutions, will introduce participants to the co-design approach to health care improvement. This approach is based on partnership and values the experiences of those delivering as well as those receiving care. The workshop is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for patient partners to learn new tools and methods to engage people, capture and understand experiences, co-design solutions, and demonstrate impact, not only in PVN opportunities, but in the health care system as whole.

While it’s relatively new to many in health care, co-design is the go-to method for leading service organizations such as Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton, and many airlines. It reflects a fundamental change in the traditional relationship between health professionals and patients, and has enabled a wide range of people to help create solutions that led to improvements such as:

  • improved quality of care;
  • reductions in adverse safety events;
  • better use of preventative services such as screening and immunizations, and;
  • better experiences for those delivering and receiving care.

About the health care co-design workshop

The interactive workshop, which will take place on November 28 in Richmond, will take participants through the co-design process. There will be case study examples, group discussion and small-group interactions to build participants’ confidence to use these concepts in their own practice.

Lynne workshop.Ko Awatea.Patient Voices NetworkThe learning session will be presented by the world-renowned expert Lynne Maher (check her out on Twitter at @LynneMaher1), the Director of Innovation at Ko Awatea, in New Zealand. In her extensive health care career, Lynne’s work has focused on co-design, leading change, and sustainability for improvement. Her efforts have improved health systems in New Zealand, and she has created a body of work to support health care teams across the world in understanding innovation and engagement.

How patient partners will be involved in the workshop

As you may have read in our Engagement Opportunities newsletter, we’ll sponsor 20 patient partners to attend the workshop with all registration and travel costs covered. We believe it’s really important that patients and health care partners get together and learn about new ways to improve the health care system.  Leah Smith, our Engagement Leader who is coordinating this opportunity, explained:

“This will be an exciting opportunity for those interested in learning how to move beyond designing with patients in mind, to actually working in partnership with patients to design improvements. It makes sense that patient and health care partners will learn to speak this new language together by participating in this training opportunity. They’ll develop a shared understanding of the foundational concepts and tools.”

We’ll be selecting participants from all across the province for this engagement opportunity, and will strive to include a diverse range of patient partners, representing various ages, abilities, genders, cultures and lived experiences. If you would like to be one of the 20 patient partners to participate, make sure to RSVP by November 3 to participate in the selection process. And if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below, or email Leah directly for more information!

From Our Community

Jeanette Foreman

Northwest Quality Improvement Lead, Quality and Innovation, Northern Health

Jeanette Forman

PVN has really helped us engage with patient partners to improve health services at Northern Health.  It is more and more becoming the norm to include patients in the design, delivery and evaluation of health services.  PVN education and supports, involving patient partners, have enabled us to develop the capacity to include the patient voice to make care better and achieve better health outcomes.